Anthropology Club

Anthropology Club is a campus organization for anthropology majors, minors or any student with an interest in the field. The club has regular open meetings, elects officers, has programs, invites guest speakers, conducts fundraisers and sponsors events throughout the year.

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The club conducts bake and book sales in the atrium of Strong Hall.

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The club has also staffed the concession stand for the annual campus powwow.

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The club has been raising funds to support the Bluefields Early Childhood Institute, a preschool in Jamaica, since 2003.

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The club sponsors an annual and often semi-annual Stickball Match and Ethnic Feast. Stickball is a rough-and-tumble Native American game.

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The club generally organizes an annual trip to attend the Central States Anthropological Society conference in April. Club members sometimes work as volunteers at the conference. Students have also given presentation at this conference as well as at the annual meeting of the Missouri Archaeological Society.